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Frequently asked questions
How do I place an order?
Simply order on-line by adding the bike(s) you want to your cart. Please contact us by phone, text or email if you want to know more about any particular bike, or placing an order.
Do you accept returns or refunds?
Certainly. We want our customers to be happy, so will give a full refund (less P&P charges) as long as the bike is returned in the condition you received it in.
What is your warranty?
It's not possible to give a full warranty on bikes which may be up to 70 years old, but we will do our utmost to resolve any issues you may have as a matter of urgency.
What should I do if my order hasn't been delivered yet?
We send you a tracking number when we despatch your bike. If the bike doesn't arrive within a week, please contact us.
Will an item be back in stock?
It's very unlikely. We can only sell what we can find, and as we specialise in rare and desirable bikes, we're unlikely to see the same ones again. - Buy it when you can!.
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